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This entire website is copyrighted ​© 2008-2025 John D. Blue


 ​​© 2021-2025 John D. Blue Copyrighted​​

Welcome to

420.Gamesis a Federal pending Service Mark


Providing event consulting services and a web site featuring the reviews

and recommendations of users that play non-downloadable on-line marijuana themed computer app games in the field of entertainment.

420Games.Games® is a Federal registered Service Mark.

Registration  #7,307,131

420AppGames.Com® is a Registered Service Mark.

Registration #5,557,446


Registered Domain Names
420Games.Games + www.420Games.App

www.420.Games +  www.420AppGames.Com

↓ Click on the link below to play all of my app games ↓
© 2021-2025 John D. Blue Copyrighted

DUDE, Where's My Pot®

↓ Click on the link below to play ↓





a Federal pending

Trademark for party games
​Serial #


One kit includes

2 x green + 2 x black bean bags

The playing board seen in the

picture is NOT included

$24.99 + $9.99 shipping

↓ Check out our eBay store listing ↓



↓ Click on the link below to play ↓

​ http://games.saz-zad.com/TicTacToke2/ 

 Below are 4 samples of my app games you can play by clicking on the link provided


↓ Click on the link below to play ↓


 ​​© 2021-2025 John D. Blue Copyrighted​​

 ​​© 2021-2025 John D. Blue Copyrighted​​




a Federal pending

Trademark for party games
​Serial #


The kit contains
2 x Green Glow-In-The-Dark ping pong balls
6 x green party cups
 1 x green plastic Bong Pong
Instructions to play
1> pull down on the bottom engager 
2> place the ping ball into the top of the bong

3> aim the bong towards the party cups.
4> pull down of the trigger located on the side of the bong
5> Practice until you can shoot the ball into one of the cups
(the bong replaces throwing the ball by hand)
6> First one to get 20+ points > WINS
(4+2 =6 points etc)

All packed in a sturdy shipping box with simple instruction

↓ Check out our eBay store listing ↓



↓ Click on the link below to play ↓


 ​​© 2021-2025 John D. Blue Copyrighted​​


420 Event Planning Consulting Services

Please contact consultant: John D. Blue

 ​​© 2021-2025 John D. Blue Copyrighted​​




a Federal pending

Trademark for party games
​Serial #


One complete game

1 x plastic inflatable hat

6 x green party cups

4 x green ping pong balls

+ instructions

all for 

$39.99 + $9.99 shipping

↓ Check out our eBay store listing ↓



420.Games™ is a Federal pending

Trademark for clothing
​Serial #


Designer *420* Clothing by John D. Blue

Hats > $19.99 + $9.99 shipping

↓ Check out our eBay store listing ↓
